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The Mammals Trust UK has committed more than £150,000 to the beaver project that will result in up to 18 beavers being released into Scotland. The release is part if a five-year trial reintroduction, led by Scottish Natural Heritage. If successful, it will pave the way for a full-scale reintroduction. This controlled reintroduction will also be the first native mammal reintroduction in Britain - ever!

The aims of the project based in the Knapdale Forest in Argyll, are to study the ecology of the beaver in the Scottish environment, assess the effects of beaver activities on the environment and identify the issues and potential for a full-scale reintroduction.

It is anticipated that the three family groups will be brought from Norway in September 2002, quarantined for six months and released in the spring, 2003. The European beaver was resident in Scotland until the 16th Century, when, prized for their fur and musk glands, they were hunted to extinction.

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