Towel Day IX

1 Conversation

(Or "Ix")

Douglas Adams (1952-2001)Since 2002, the Scottish Researchers Group has held an annual meet on or around May 11th1 to celebrate the life of Douglas Adams. The date for this year's meet is Saturday May 8th and, as is traditional on these occasions, we shall be meeting in the Standing Order on George Street, Edinburgh, from 1pm. Once we've gathered we'll be moving on to some as-yet-undecided afternoon activity, after which further pub-based shenanigans will follow.

Since this is the 9th time we've celebrated Towel Day, this year's event shall be known as Towel Day IX (or Ix, meaning "boy who is not able satisfactorily to explain what a Hrung is, nor why it should choose to collapse on Betelgeuse Seven").

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1The anniversary of Douglas's death.

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