Standard Image Tags (optional)

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<img src="image.jpg">
This is the basic tag to insert an image in to your web-page. You can replace "image.jpg" with anything and it can be of any picture format (although I believe that ".bmp" files do not show in Netscape), and again - any animated ".gif" files will animate.

The rest of the tags are dependant on this one being there to begin with.

<img src="image.jpg" width="90" height="125">

The height and width tags dictate how tall and wide the image is shown on the web-page. You can use this to s-t-r-e-t-c-h or scale an image that is saved/uploaded normally, which you only want to stretch or scale on the page. You do not have to have both of these - but again it is considered good practice.

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Short Description">
ALT tags are not vital - but they are good practice, and can be good fun! You put a short description of the image you are inserting between the quotation marks - and if for some reason the image doesn't load, then when you are testing it, it is easier to find out which image it is - and if it doesn't load on your visitor's browser (or is taking a long time over a slow connection) they can see what the image is that they are waiting for.

Alt tags can also be fun! I webmaster the Student Union website for my college and when you hover over the photos of the rest of the student executive, tags such as [Student President] and [Communications Officer] appear.
However - when you hover over *my* photo, a tag such as the following appears "[Webmaster] Hey Chris! Dave and I are arranging a christmas get together when everyone's back home from uni! Mail either him or me for details - you know the addresses!".
See? You can leave messages in your tags! My friends check my photo about twice a week - not only giving me a general notice-board for my friends, but also a lot more hits for the website! :-D

Again - you can mesh these all together to have a tag which goes <img src="image.jpg" width>

See the section on Hyperlinks to turn your image into a hyperlink.

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