HTML - Text Formatting

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<b> = emboldens text within the tag.
<i> = italicises text within the tag.
<u> = underlines text within the tag.

<font size="X">
Replace X with a number between 1 and 7, one being the smallest. This will determine the size of the text. Default value for Explorer and Netscape is 3. As a guide, Size 1 = 7.5 point, Size 3 = 12 point, and Size 7 = 36 point.

<font face="Arial,Heveltica,sans-serif">
This tag determines the font your text is displayed in. It is best to use standard fonts such as 'Times New Roman' or 'Arial', although other fonts can be used. Bear in mind however, that if the person accessing your website dies not have that font on their machine, they will usually have Times New Roman' (or equivalents 'Times' and 'serif'). You only need to put one font name in the tag, but it is good practice to add its equivalents in other Operating Systems as above, to ensure that your site is viewed as you intended by people with all kinds of machines.
Common font sets are as follows:
Arial, Heveltica, sans-serif = Arial Style Font
Times New Roman, Times, serif = Times New Roman Style Font
Courier New, Courier, mono = Courier Style Font

<font color="red"> or <font color="#FF0000">
Note the American spelling of "color". This determines the colour your text is displayed in. You can use either colour names or Hexadecimal codes. Names are NOT recomended, as different browsers often interpret these differently. Hex Codes however ARE recomended. These will appear frightning to the beginner, but work simply as follows.

The Hex code (between the " ") must be preceeded by a #. then remember the first two characters determine the Red input, the next two the Green input, and the final two the Blue. Each character must be any one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F, 0 being completely off, and F being full power. So the code demonstrated at the top would be pure bright-red, where as <font color="#0000FF">. Experimentation will help you to grasp Hex codes more confidently.

NOTE: Tags which begin with <font can be meshed together like this:
<font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FFFFFF">
This will give the following text all of the properties within the single tag. Seperate tags will do the same job, but it is neater this way.

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