Medication for Depression

2 Conversations

Medication For Depression

There are many approaches to overcoming depression and the one most favoured by many in the medical profession appears to be medication.

A brief discussion of what medication is available for depression and what side effects can be expected.

(This article was originally written as an appendix to the Overcoming Depression article and a link is provided at the end.)

The case for medication

Although alternative remedies can help the depressive and psychotherapy is effective, it has to be remembered that some people experience extremely severe and deep depression. If a person is so badly affected that he or she is too depressed to talk then therapy will be of no use.

This is where prescribed medication can improve the symptoms and set the patient on the road to recovery. Some people worry that they might be on anti-depressants for the rest of their lives but as one researcher put it:

In terms of the treatment of true clinical depression, the tablets don't always have to be taken for life, it is possible, after a variable period of treatment for the brain to sort itself out (the mechanism for which is not well understood) and for people to be weaned off the tablets and 'cured'

The different types of anti-depressants available

For ease of understanding it might be as well to seperate the newer medication from the older.


Into the category of the older type of anti-depressants falls the tricyclics which are so named for their chemical structure and used to be the most commonly prescribed. M.A.O.I. (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) would have been prescribed for the atypical depression with symptoms such as oversleeping, panic attacks, anxiety and phobias.

SSRIs(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are probably the most commonly prescribed anti-depressants. Some examples are fluoxatine (Prozac),fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft).

Two new medications that affect the serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitters are venlafaxine (Effexor)and nefazodone (Serzone). These are reputed to have fewer side effects.

Another option is bupropion (Wellbutrin) which acts on dopamine and norepinephrine and is given to individuals who have had no success with other medications.

Side effects

Common to all anti-depressants are the following side effects:

dry mouth, loss of sex drive, loss of sexual ability, constipation, and urinary difficulties.

(It has to be stressed that not all people experience the above symptoms and not necessarily at the same time.)


These may complicate specific heart problems.


Dizziness when changing position and rapid heartbeat is common

Newer SRRIs

Gastrointestinal problems and headaches are among the commonest. Some people experience insomnia, anxiety and agitation.

Additional information

There have been reports of worrying side effects for some who have been prescribed venlafaxine; details can be found following this link:-

A good article about finishing with medication is at this link:-
Coming off A.Ds

Finally an useful index of drugs, uses and side effects etc. can be found at Medline:-

Another useful UK. reference is at Netdoktor:-
netdoktorThis site also has a message board facilty to communicate with other sufferers, providing a potential source of on-line support.

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