Cure for colds.

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Here is how I cure my colds. I'm not a doctor, but this actually works for me. Cuts recovery time by a half or more. Prevent flu taking full hold. I'm serious.

NOTE: All ingredients are available on Earth. Contains aspirin. Not suitable for anyone for whom aspirin is not suitable. Not suitable for anyone for whom any of the below ingredients are unsuitable.

AUX NOTE: This recipe has never worked for me with substitute ingredients. If I say fresh root ginger, I mean fresh root ginger.

Recipe: Ting-a-Ling Cure for Colds.

What you need:

Piece of root ginger as big as the head of your thumb.
Honey - unpastuerised.
Soluble Vit C (2000mg).
Soluble aspirin.
One or more lemons.
A Kurt Vonnegut novel.

What you do:

Put two mugs full of water in a pan. Turn the heat on. Chop ginger into thin slices. Add to water, along with maybe one teaspoon of sugar. Boil or simmer (the choice is yours) until you half the water is boiled away. Remove from heat. Juice the lemon(s). Add lemon juice, soluble aspirin and soluble vitamin C, along with a good tablespoon of the honey. If that's going to be too sweet, you should have used more lemon. Oh yes, garnish with a triple/quadruple whiskey, and serve. In bed. Wrapped in duvet. Reading Kurt Vonnegut novel. 'Breakfast of Champions' should do the trick.

(SUPP NOTE: If anyone wishes to make a potentially more effective drink try adding cloves along with the ginger. I hate cloves. If anyone wishes to make a potentially even more effective and totally disgusting drink try adding three cloves of garlic, crushed, along with the honey.)

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