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A number of semitransparent strips of plastic with peculiar properties.
The most striking of these is the effect it has on the minds of a large group
of humanoids, when shone through with a strong lamp in front of a white screen.
The aforemented people does at this point seem to loose most of their vocabulary
and have it replaced by a limited set of catchphrases, which they from then on
recapitulate at any time, whether appropriate or not.
Cases have even been reported of this effect occuring in anticipation
of new plastic strips.

Also the nickname for an ambitious project, initiated by a man by the
apt name Raygun (or similar), to draw a blue crayon line over the cities of
the United States of America, apparently to prevent short red crayon lines from
hitting black crayon line houses.
The project was abandoned. Probably because somebody pointed out the possibility for
the red lines to pass by the side of the blue one.

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