Pumpkin Pie Recipe

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When I made this I burnt it, but it tasted good anyway so in better hands than mine it should be great.

When choosing a pumpkin, do not use the large, bright orange ones that are traditionally used for Jack-o-Lanterns <pumpkin>. Use the smaller "sugar" pumpkin, the brownish-orange "cheese" pumpkin (the shape is like a wheel of cheese), or some other sweet, orange-fleshed winter squash. In fact it seems that the terms "pumpkin" and "squash" vary in meaning from place to place, and what you get when you buy canned pumpkin is rarely what an American calls "pumpkin", so take the term lightly. The important part is that it should smell good before you cook it. The cheese pumpkin I used smelled like a melon when I cut it open, and took on a more pumpkiny flavor when cooked.

Cut open the pumpkin and scrape out the seeds and stringy part of the flesh, then bake at 325° F for about 45 minutes to an hour. When it cools, scoop the flesh off of the skin and puree it.

3 cups puréed pumpkin
1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp allspice
3/4 tsp ground cloves
3/4 tsp nutmeg
6 eggs
1 1/2 cup honey
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup heavy cream

Blend all of the ingredients together, put in two 9" pie shells (crust on the bottom only) and bake at 400° F (but remember, I burnt it doing this) for about 50-55 minutes.

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