The Temple of Falsenamism
Created | Updated Jun 9, 2006
This is the Temple of Falsnamism, in the avenue of small gods. when I get round to finishing the inside, it's getting there but it still needs a lot of work, I will be asking for people to perform certain jobs in the temple, for instance priests & priestess'.
Entrances and Exits
If you wish to leave the Temple at any time, the official entrances/exits can be found here. The front entrance leads out onto the Avenue of Small Gods, or the side entrance, which leads into my own private domain, can be found here.
I need someone to help me run this place, anytakers? If so just start a convo down below.
I have managed to translate some of the Falsenamist Scripture, see below in the Thoughts About Falsenamism
The Knights, after minutes of painstaking research, now have a moto, Veni Vedi Emptio Rallus (I came, I saw, I bought the T-shirt)
I am restarting this as a protest p!$$ take against a ruling by the Cout of Appeals in the UK. I am introducing a dress code, which can be found bellow. I will also create an 'Official' letter, which can be produced and shown to your boss/teacher to justify your wearing of said items of clothing when they may want you to wear something nasty, like a tie.
Dress Code
First of all, this is primarily a guide, you should wear whatever you feel comfortable in as you can't be expected to be able to concentrate on living your life as a good falsenamist if you are wearing uncomfortable clothing.
Jeans and a t-shirt, with or without sweater
'casual' wear, eg slacks and a t-shirt or alternative casual top
Combats/cargo pants, with t-shirt and/or sweater, this may be replaced with a jumper or other casual top
stylish suite, with a shirt/t-shirt, but no tie, this may be replaced with a morning suit of frock coat, waistcoat, trousers and shirt, but again no tie should be worn.
concerning ties
Ties should only be worn in exceptional circumstances, e.g. at a job interview
Thoughts about Falsnamism
I belive we could all do well to nurture the eternal child within, for as it says in the scripture:
"And her hair was long and flaxen,
And lo he did grasp it and tug with all his streangth,
And behold she did cry out terribly, saying,
'Ow he didst pull on my hair and it doth pain me sorely',
And verrily he did respod,
'Yea tho I startest it not, for she didst kick me thus',
And lo he smote her mightily upon the shin"
The Two Parts of Falsenamism
Falsenamism has two main parts, the main church of Falsenamism & also the Most Venerable Order of Cunninglinguist.
The Order of Cunninglinguist
The Order of Cunninglinguist is the militant order of the church of Falsenamism. It is devided into two parts, the Knights of Cunninglinguist, which is the men and the Ordo Vis-Verbi, which is an order of millitant priestesses.
I am The Great Chief High Lord Grand Prior of The Most Venerable Order of Cunninglinguist, that means I'm in charge and what I say goes so there .
We need Knights to join The Most Venerable Order of Cunninglinguist.
As this is a holy order knights will also be monks*.
I am looking for people to take on roles such as Abbot, Prior, Lord Prior etc. As well as these, I also want brother knights, who will form the backbone of the order.
All knights of the order of Cunninglinguist are eligable to put the letters KCL after their name.
The Ordo Vis-Verbi, or Order of Forceful Words, is the 'Sister' to the Knights. We currently have two battle sisters in the order, but we could always do with more. Sisters within the order are also priestesses within the Church of Falsenamism.
Also anyone who is admitted into the order, but isn't a knight, eg squires and Battle Sisters of the Ordo Vis-Verbi, can put the letters OCL after their name.
The Church of Falsenamism
We currently have no Priests, hewever we do have a few Priestess, but still not much is happening at the moment.
The Officials of Falsenamism and The Knights of Cunninglinguist
Priests and Priestess of Falsenamism
Scruff High priestess of the order of babbling in purpleTasterainbows Sister Superior, and most high priestess of the Ordo Vis-Verbi
Reefgirl Mother Superior of Falsenamism and Battle Sister of the Ordo Vis-Verbi
The Knights of Cunninglinguist
Sir TB of Cunninglinguist Great Chief High Lord Grand Prior of The Most Venerable Order of CunninglinguistSir Evil One the hun Crusading invader of Balwyniti