Entry One - Discovering the Guide... The search for chicken begins...

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Today was a 'good' day...

The back seems to be easing off some after the last few days torture, and my son came to visit me this afternoon after school! I've not seen him for a year (how they grow), but it looks like the period of estrangement may be coming to an end. At least I (now) have every hope for it.

Also discovered 'The Guide' this evening - quite a feat for someone trapped at home all day... to 'find' something, especially something with the potential of being the 'useful' object that this promises to be...

I say 'discovered' - it would be more accurate to say it was shoved under my nose - which may explain the apparent 'rush' to use it. This may confuse me later if I don't explain the concept... It, The Guide', appears to be (in simple terms) the definitive collection of information about everything in the galaxy - a bold claim!

However, the way it seems to work indicates that one day it just may be able to justify this claim. Apparently, it is updated thousands of times a day, about a thousand different topics, from a parabolically-increasing and constantly changing input sources...

Similarly, accessing the information it contains involves a similar 'network' of ever-changing access points - of which I have only one out of, potentially billions!

As with every new 'toy', its launch tonight saw the typical 'teething problems' one usually expects with a new product - but I have gotten this far, so it looks like things are under some semblence of control.

I think I'll spend this evening putting it through its paces (if it can handle it) and see if I can find any entries on Chicken - I would be negligent not to... Mind you, with all the rush I may just be lucky to get this entry made...

Things could, finally, be looking up. What a good day :)

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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