Frustration with bombs

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Hello out there. This is my first attempt to write something meaningful in The Guide. I'm failing miserably. I wanted to vent my frustration at the system. Lately we've been having bomb scares at my school. In one case, the 'bomb' was a rolled up poster in a plastic bag. To make everything ok, the administration sends out memos explaining how the school is perfectly safe, everything's taken care of and that with, I quote, a "dash of Warwick Pride" (Warwick's the name of my school) we can fix things. Bull. They stress the importance of mutual trust and respect between teachers and students in an environment where merely saying the wrong thing in a discussion about Columbine brings on unjust suspicion. Anyway, that's my complaint. And now everyone knows I'm only in high school. How demeaning. If anyone would like to reply it would be greatly appreciated and I would feel unduly loved.

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