Glamorgan university

2 Conversations

Glamorgan University is situated near the town of pontypridd in what used to be called Mid Glamorgan (Now known for reasons only known to the local council as Rhondda Cynnon Taff-maybe they realised that the county was not as central as they claimed and changed the name for legal reasons?).
It is a fairly easy going uni in that it will pretty much accept anyone who wanders in off the street and offer them a degree (I should know....). The teaching faculty are pleasent enough providing:
a) You can find them.
b) You dont ask them anything related to the subject which isnt contained in the course notes they have prepared.
c) You dont ask for them to actually mark any of the coursework you've submitted.

Now for the importatnt stuff:
the university is pleasantly small...'And why is this important?' I hear you cry? well the university also has 3 bars, meaning that you can sucsesfully nip in for a swift pint or eight between lectures (assuming that is you bother going to any)safe in the knowledge that you are within crawling distance of your lecture room.

Do I need to say any more? GO THERE.....

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