The Campsite

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<dreamweaver>(Pitch 11)

Loud swooshing noise coming from above. A gigantic golden dragon appear from litterally nowhere. The dragon glides in to land in the middle of Campsite square!!!

Dreamweaver climbes down from between the second and third neck ridge to the left hand side front leg and down on the ground. She slaps the dragon on the neck in a friendly sort of a way to thank her.

"Hello, is anybody here? I thought I claim pitch 11 for my dragon to stay at. It looks perfect for her being a bit away from the other tents, and with that soft sand bunker it is absolutely a perfect surface for Espharoth to sleep on. I will bunk down with my partner Bagheera, I believe he is alreaddy here."

Drags a bundle of clothes ,bags and odd objects off her dragon and stumble across towards pitch 7.

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