Millenium bug
Created | Updated Apr 8, 2002
a) A small, blind insect the size of a paperclip and of a similar color, common to the two Americas and the north of Tel-Aviv. Although seemingly non-intimidating, vigorous testing and research have proven this animal to be indeed harmless.
b) (a.k.a Y2K bug) A semi-comforting line of thought, according to which the reason half of the population of Earth is going to be in trouble with the turn of the century can be traced back to a dozen or so computer programmers who had too much chemically-induced fun back in the sixties and thus screwed all of our lives. The truth is, of course, a lot simpler. The main reasons why everyone are going to feel bad on January 1st 2000 are two: First, the collapse of moral standards and self-confidence caused by the acknowledgement that “2000” was not just a dumb publicity stunt. And second, excessive drinking in a great party the night before.