She goes on singing
Created | Updated Mar 31, 2010
She has survived a sick relation but she is able to enjoy and love life with the passion and tenderness of a teenager.
Her kind and pure heart always found excuses to apologize the horrible behaviour her friend had. Quickly and strategically he took advantage of her innocence because she opened him social contacts and her family stood for his needs while they were studying at University and they were “in love”.
That innocent and sparkling personality didn’t let her see the reality and not only she forgave infidelities but also she justified his hits.
Within their sick relation she believed that if they get married and have children he will change. But the opposite happened: he required more attention, he absorbed her in such away that her friends and partners at work almost didn’t see her very often. Money was an increasing problem. He took several credits for unnecessary things and suddenly they had a huge debt in all the banks of the town. He cheated his own friends who were warranties of that credit. These people who were tired of his bad and humiliating behaviour tried to open her eyes of loving wife.
When she tried to speak to him about the financial problems he hit her and their four children appeared too see what that noise was about so her husband pulled her from her hair to their bedroom and he gave her a strong an unexpected piña that destroyed her teeth. Although she was seriously hurt she justified this reaction as a consequence of the stress. She had to eat only liquids for a week because she couldn’t open her mouth; she told her acquaintances that it was a dentist’s bad praxis problem.
Since that day she started to feel afraid of him, he had a total control of everything at home. It was like a princess locked in a castle with a horrible and evil monster.
He began to put a cold distance wit their children and with her so she decided to talk to him. When she started to ask questions in a fearful way he blew one’s top and threw away objects against her. In that frightening moment he told her that he was like that because he WAS IN LOVE with another woman and she was not to understand him, so he can’t stand her any more.
This strange woman was younger, more beautiful and more docile than his wife.
My friend was so blind, broken heart, horrified that she couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Therefore she offered him an opportunity to reflect because she was sure he was dazzled by the youth of this woman but he would never find a pure and unconditional love like hers. He was allowed to live that relation but she wouldn’t tolerate that he abandon her.
Obviously he felt as an incredible man with so much charm that two women were fighting for his love. Therefore he kept on with both relations and when his wife made any scandal he simply hit her and then he regret, apologized and made her love.
She was waiting for a miracle but after several months she couldn’t tolerate that situation any more and her health didn’t resist the stress so she took courage and asked him to leave the house.
As a result of her request he ran into the house, took a curve and sharp knife and he asked her if she really wanted him to leave the house while he pointed the knife to his stomach in front of their children.
This miserable performance let him to go on with both relations almost a year.
Finally as the other woman was pregnant he decided to leave his family and began a new life. After some years it is really rewarding to see his wife recovered from that hell. She put on all the weight she had lost so she’s very healthy now. She had an amazing energy to face life; she is always cheerful and available for everybody to share a good time. She has brought up four children by herself in the economic and emotional aspects but they had a sane, lovely and free environment and what is best, the experience left them a moral: WE SHOULD ALWAYS GIVE LOVE BUT WE SHOULD NEVER BEG FOR IT.