A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Secret Smile

Post 1


For you DT fans out there (like me) he stars in a new drama starting tonight at 9pm on ITV called Secret Smile. Looks like he plays a bad guy and has his natural Scots accent (which funnily enough I've never heard!). Maybe it can fill the void whilst waiting for the xmas invasion?

Secret Smile

Post 2


You can't compare his performance as a human character in an ITV1 drama with his performance as the Tenth Doctor in BBC1's "Doctor Who"!

Secret Smile

Post 3


I saw it! Scared the daylight out of me!

Secret Smile

Post 4


You still can't compare it with his role as the Tenth Doctor! smiley - biggrin

Secret Smile

Post 5


I guess!

Secret Smile

Post 6


You guess?! Ha! Would you compare "EastEnders" with "Doctor Who"? No. Would you compare Jon Pertwee's role as Worzel Gummidge with his role as the Third Doctor? No.

Oh look, I think my point has just been proven correct for all you sceptical people out there! smiley - biggrin

Secret Smile

Post 7


Don't be so serious!

Eastenders *Tech* shame on you! *Laugh*

Secret Smile

Post 8


I'm always deadly serious when it comes to the greatest show in the galaxy! smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

Secret Smile

Post 9


We know!

Secret Smile

Post 10


Good. smiley - biggrin

Secret Smile

Post 11

Smij - Formerly Jimster

There is actually an interesting comparison we can take from Secret Smile. Personally, I was rarely convinced by the Seventh Doctor when he got all snarly and stood up to the monsters; it just didn't feel like the monsters would be in any way impressed. But we can at least se from this that David T can do snarly very well...

Secret Smile

Post 12


I totally disagree - the Seventh Doctor was rather like the Ninth Doctor when he was unleashing all his hatred onto the captive Dalek in the episode "Dalek," showing with long-term enemies such as the Daleks and the Cybermen just how personal their desire to kill each other had become, which was a natural progression as the Daleks and the Cybermen were frequently defeated by the Doctor and wanted him dead, while the Doctor had lost a number of good friends and colleagues to the Daleks and the Cybermen (such as Lytton in the previous Cyberman story to "Silver Nemesis") and likewise wanted to destroy the Daleks and the Cybermen for personal as well as moral reasons, i.e. the Doctor was a force for good and order in the universe and they were a force for evil, chaos and destruction.

Secret Smile

Post 13

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Was Lytton really a 'good friend' though? They never even met in Resurection of the Daleks (when he was being a throughly nasty chap), and he's not exactly 'nice' in Attack of the Cybermen; he's still a mercenary for hire...

smiley - ale

Secret Smile

Post 14


Yes, I never really understood Doc6's massively over-exaggerated "I never misjudged anybody as badly as I did Lytton" comment. Quite aside from the fact that it's a shocking example of overly-florid sentence construction, the man was a mass-murderer, a mercenary for hire and an all-round thug of the highest order. Just because he wasn't actually working for the Cybermen doesn't mean he was an intergalactic Mother Teresa... smiley - smiley


Secret Smile

Post 15

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

It's possibly a symptom of the number of writers and re-writes the story had. It's possible that at some point in the evolution of the story his character really was going to be shown to be a redeemed good-guy.

Anyway, you knew he couldn't really be that nice: Maurice Coburn was playing him. smiley - winkeye

smiley - ale

Secret Smile

Post 16


Lytton turned out to be decent-hearted in the end. It was he who injured the Cyber Controller enough to allow the Doctor to grab the Cyber-gun and destroy not only the Cyber Controller, but also the Cyber Leader and the Cyber Lieutenant! Lytton payed for it with his life unfortunately. smiley - biggrin

Secret Smile

Post 17


Secret Smile scared me too! DT played it so well that I really hated Brendon! It was good to see a different side to him, and now I'm on countdown until the Christmas Invasion........8 days to go!smiley - biggrin

Secret Smile

Post 18


It should be worth the wait! smiley - biggrin

Secret Smile

Post 19


Wait i think i posted here and went it better be! Lot's of posts have disaperd, strange..

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