So, What is it about Lighthouses?

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This is a question that many people ask me so I thought I would try and explain!

My fascination with Lighthouses works on several levels.

I love the locations where Lighthouses tend to be found. I love the sea, the combination of the power and the tranquillity. The soothing roar of the waves, the beauty of the light, the freshness of the air. The remoteness of the locations where Lighthouses tend to be found also appeals to me, the uncluttered beauty of nature.

If I had to pick a favourite Lighthouse it would probably be one near Lossimouth in Scotland. My best friend lives near it and can see it from her house. You can find pictures of it from the link at Off Site Lighthouse. I find it a wonderfully relaxing and refreshing place to be. I love to go and just sit there. If things are tough I like to go and sit there and think, my thoughts seem to gain clarity there and I always come away with a deep sense of calm and peace.

I also love the scenery and the imagery of Lighthouses, and have a number of pictures and models around the house.

On a much deeper level the other and possibly more significant to me thing about Lighthouses are the things they represent. To me they represent standing up for what is right, the principles and values that you want to live by, against anything that the sea of life can throw at them. No matter what happens, how stormy or foggy it is the Lighthouse is there standing tall and proud reminding us of those values. Slipping dangerously close to management speak, the Lighthouse is the visual image I use to remind me of how I want to live my life and what values I want to represent.

One day I would like to live in a Lighthouse.

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