Moving To London

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Just over one year ago, I did something I said I would never do. I moved to London.

I'm from the Wirral. The peninsula between Liverpool and Wales. I worked in Liverpool and always complained about my job, even though there was not that much to complain about really. However, I always maintained that I would get a job in the US before I ever moved to London.

London to me was always a horrible place. I used to go there for conferences and shows and things, so my trips were usually only one or two days.

It just never appealed to me. Too many people. Too much traffic. Too much pollution.

But things happened. I was made redundant. I went freelance for year. Things didn't work out. I needed a job. Had to go to London.

And it's been over a year now.

My impression has changed a great deal. It's one thing to visit here, it's a whole other to live here. I got used to the amount of people, the amount of traffic. The pollution, I'll never get used to. I don't particularly notice it, but I know it's there invisibly shortening my lifespan. But I like living here. There is great diversity in the people here. People are from all walks of life.

Of course, as everybody knows, it's very expensive. That is definitely true. Here I am paying over 3 times more for a flat that is half the size of the one I had on the Wirral. And there is a strange phenomenon whereby right in the centre, some things are really hard to come by. Pet shops for instance - I have to order pet food on the net because there are no pet shops within quite a sizable radius (I live in W2, 20 minutes walks from Oxford Street).

On the other hand, apart from the few things that should be easy to find but aren't, there is pretty much everything else. I broke my toe, and could walk to the hospital. I have every type of fast food place within 5 minutes. I have every type of good restaurant within 5 minutes (although there are far too many indian restaurants). I can get tickets to see BBC shows, I can see a West-End show, find any type of club you could imagine, the list goes on.

The atmosphere here is good. Surprisingly relaxed. Even though everybody seems to rush around, I find the atmosphere to be one of a feeling of safety. Of course, London is a big place and there are some very dodgy areas, but around the centre I've found it to be quite alright.

In all, I find myself being surprised at enjoying living here. I really used to hate the place as an outsider. But from the inside, it's a whole lot nicer.


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