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Have you ever been somewhere, a store, school, or place-with-lots-o’-shinny-things and had the urge to just take something? Well, if you said no, then you’re lying! I personally have the Kleptomaniacal urge to take pens and other writing utensils. This is the subject o’ the entry. This entry is for educational purposes only. The BBC and Kevin do not, in any official way condone, or condemn, the “borrowing o’ miscellaneous things” or stealing them.

Good Places to Be Kleptomaniacal at:
* A school
* A bus station
* Your own house
* A restaurant
* A Hotel ( for towels of course )
* A swimming pool
* A friends' house
* A place-with-lots-o’-shinny-things
* A place-with-not-so-many-shinny-things
* A junk yard

Good things to be Kleptomaniacal towards:
* Anything that is not bolted to the ground
* Anything that is located on the person o’ a friend
* Anything in your home
* Anything that can write

Bad things to be Kleptomaniacal towards:
* Anything alive
* Anything that used to be alive
* Anything that will be alive at a later date
* Anything that is traceable
* Anything that will be missed
* Anything that is noticeable
* Anything that is loud
* Anything that you can be jailed for possessing ( excluding things mentioned above in pervious categories ^ )
* Anything that is too heavy to run with
* Anything that you really need

This is the incomplete list o' things a Kleptomaniac needs to

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