A Conversation for h2g2 Smiley Ideas List
Gone again Started conversation May 30, 2002
There should be a dunce (or Dubya?) smiley, wearing the traditional conical white cap with a "D" on it, of course! Like many smileys, this one is dual-purpose, as it could apply to the writer, or to someone referred to by the writer. Two for the price of one; what more could you want? Do it now, please. Thank you.
"Who cares, wins"
tom Posted May 30, 2002
How can a dunce be a good idea?
It is tho.
Keep it as a dunce. Dubya will date. A year or two ago it would have been Gore or Ford or whoever the opposition were trying to stick a knife in at that moment
Gone again Posted May 31, 2002
For me, here in Great Britain, the concept of 'Dubya' will never date: (as I understand it) the citizens of the USA chose the dunce because they were suspicious of his too-intelligent opponent.
But I take your point: the smiley should be named "dunce".
"Who cares, wins"
Anonymouse Posted Jun 1, 2002
Uhm.. The citizends of the United States -didn't- choose dubya, the courts did. That being said, I'll drink to the smiley.. but not to the for which it stands.
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jun 19, 2002
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