Email Roulette

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Email Roulette is a very dangerous game, proving once and for all that dabblings in the virtual world of the internet really can damage you in real life.

What Do I Need?

In order to play Email Roulette, you need to work in an office with an email system that lets you recall emails after they've been sent. You'll also need several colleagues who are willing to gamble a bit of money, and you yourself will need to be willing to gamble your job and possibly your career.

How Do I Play?

Compose an email to the head of your company, or at least the head of the division of your company that you work in. In this email, you should tell them how much you really hate them and their company and generally be as offensive as possible. Don't put anything nasty in the subject line, as some mail systems tend to leave this bit behind after the message has been recalled. Now, send this email and for every minute you leave it before recalling the email, your co-workers have to give you a set amount of cash. It could be a penny or it could be a week's wages, pending on how much you value your job. When you think you can't wait another minute, recall the email. If you're lucky, it won't be too late to do this and if you're unlucky, it'll be too late and you'll soon be unemployed with no chance of a reference for future job applications.

Oh my god! That's a terrible game!

Yes, it is rather, isn't it?

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