
1 Conversation


Abbreviation is a long word. Dyslexia is hard to spell. Malnutrition is more of a mouthful than mouthful. You can have a running commentary on a twenty mile walk and pretty ugly is better looking than unsightly.

The only logical conclusion is that the English language is conclusively illogical.

So, should we abandon our quirky lexicon in favour of something that scores fewer points in scrabble? Would it be so doubleplusungood if we embraced Newspeak? Should we adopt the logical etymology of our German brothers and widen our paper to make room for the longer words?

Never! Food would turn bland without a sumptuous peppering of adjectives. A stoic might give up and go home, unable to be steadfast in the face of adversity. You couldn't trust a sentinel who was a mere lookout.

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