Stuff you didn't know existed so never asked.

1 Conversation

1. The hydrogen atom does not have a neutron.

2. The currency of Tanzania is the hiling.

3. Ice floats in water because it is less dense than water.

4. Hyperthermia is when yo get too hot.

5. In 1976 7,748 windows in the Pentagon.

6. Jerry Springer is actualy English (unfortunately).

7. There are about 76 countries in the Commonwealth.

8. Stalin means 'Man Of Iron'

9. The human body has the same amount of hair follicles as a chimpanzee, you don't see them all because some grow so slow they simply wear away.

10. Hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate, when mixed make the most fantastic stink-bomb. Guess what I learnt in chemisty today.

11. Jupiter's mass is more than the rest of the planet's mass doubled.

12. In 1920 the Olympic games were held in Belgium.

13. In 1986 the population of the metropolitan area San Fransisco was 749,000.

14. Shakespeare died on the 23rd of April 1616.

15. Luxembourg used to be apart of the Netherlands, but when a queen came to be on the throne the people where the Netherland is today didn't want a queen, but the people where Luxembourg is todaay wanted to keep the queen. So the country split.

16. Scyrte is old English/Scandinavian for shirt and scip is old English/Scandinavian for ship.

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