Britain (some thoughts)

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I can consider myself (very pretentiously) as a researcher for the guide, as I'm a Spanish lost in the REALLY strange island called Britain.
Even this is very dark, rainy and dull, ugly, horrible, terrifying... It could have been worse, I could have been sent to Coventry...
Ohhh! I'm in Coventry!
Very strange things happen here: the pictures of my house move when I'm not looking, the TV never runs properly and I have to share the bathroom with 4 more people. This creates queues on the morning as long as the ones to go inside the bathroom whenever you need to and you're in a pub. Not surprisingly at all, when I don't need it it's empty.
British are also bizarre human beings with more bizarre behaviour. For example, they called go out to go to the pub, drink a beer and come back home at half past eleven on the night. It is quite difficult to find some place open after 6 in the afternoon, unless it is a pub or a Kebab shop. And the food, they called anything food: Potatoes with salt and vinegar and onion and curry, or some potatoes smashed without pity and stirred and transformed into a white puree which they eat without considerations. All hope to provide the guide with a better description of those atrocities and some photographic evidence.
I'll keep on researching.

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