My Top Ten Movie Soundtracks

2 Conversations

Here is a list of my top ten movie soundtracks in no

1) South Park:Bigger,Longer
And Uncut: Ok this has too be one of the funniest movie soundtracks i have bought. Not only does it have all the songs from the movie but it also has diffrent versions by ppl like Kid Rock,Violent Femmes and Rupaul...really ny.

2)Four Weddings & A Funeral: Very good soundtrack for a classic british film, it has ofcourse Wet Wet Wet's classic number one "love is
all around" and others including a great version of Chapel Of Love by Elton John.

3) Dances With Wolves: what
can i say its such a great soundtrack, The John Dunbar
Theme just sounds amazing, sat Hours watching this movie and the only thing i loved about it is the music.

4)Sleepless In Seatle: An amazing Soundtrack that has
some old time classics on it. Great for listening to esp for ppl who like joe cocker
and carly simon.

5) You've Got Mail: One of my def faves, has a lot great tunes on it including
The puppy song which is being used alot in tv adverts now....

6) Empire Records: Very good cd for a film that was
not very popular, it has songs by bands like gin blossoms,The Cranberries and edwyn collins.

7)The Wedding Singer: Oooh what can you say about this
soundtrack. 80's Tastic is what i add adam sandler's "Somebody Kill Me
Please" and u have a great cd.

8)Moulan Rouge: Yeah i know
its new but what a great soundtrack so diffrent, plus ewan and nicole sound amazing.

9) Titanic: A good cd even with Celine Dion's Warberling My Heart Will Go
On...Very Atmospheric.

10) City Of Angels: i have saved the best to last, an amazing soundtrack to an average film. Songs by artists like Sarah Mclaughlin,u2,peter gabriel,paula cole and an amazing track by Alanis Moressete....

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