Hat Etiquette
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Smart men of old times would wear a hat, such as Sean Connery as James Bond or Cary Grant. There would be certain rules that have to be abided by if you were to wear a hat correctly.
1) When passing a lady on a street you would tip your hat.
2) In a lift, or such crowded space with other people you would remove your hat.
3) At any meal table you would remove your hat.
4) Upon entering a room with a hat rack you would nonchalantly toss the hat towards the rack, landing it every time, to impress women of course.
I'm sure there are many more, but even those four are terribly hard to remember, so that is why I respect any man who could respectably wear a hat and adhere to these rules, without looking like a total dufus.