Why Software locks-up ? (in progress)

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Well, software costs, it's definitely a mind-craft, a creative people work.

From the time you power-up the box, every single action your computer does is controlled by a series of programs which some humans wrote.
They decided the precise actions which will be undertaken in response at the user (you) input.
If you move the mouse for examples, some software wrote by a human some time ago tracks this movement and draw the arrow on the screen accordingly.

Software Writing is a relative new branch of engineering.
Software can be seen like a quite complicated logical device, you produce software in the same way you could build project and build a car.

But, without the intervention of the physical body (except the typing on the keyboard of course).

Begin to understand ?, only brain product, like a fiction book.
In a book however, one can draw a character in a smooth, fuzzy way, the aim of the writer is to stimulate the fantasy and abstraction abilities of the reader, nothing changes if the hat of the hero is black or caki.

Software instead, can make damages or even kill, the car you drive, the plane you get, banks, justice, devices which cure your illness...all of them use software today.

Our rational faculties are sensible to mood, anxiety, falling in love, and a programmer cannot ask (today) a computer to program iteself, computers understand only precise, definite, completely logical commands.

Now, between the arid logic which is aimed by programming and our emotional life lays the defects of software.

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