What is Open Source Movement ? (in progress)

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In a very strict sense, open source software is software given for free, you won't pay for it, and often its quality equal or greater than commercial software.

Software Quality ?
Often quality is given for granted until when your PC lock-up (you know that small messagebox about unexpected errors, lost files, three keys salute, reset computer, etc).
Why software is so unstable ?
see http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A640739

A couple of examples of quality free software:

- Apache (is the most used and robust web server around)
- Java Architecture (it's a programming language of last generation)

Strange, you could think, WHY for the sake of Marvin, one (actually hundred-thousand around the world) programmer should work for free after-hours ?

There are a number of reasons, some of them are in any particular order:

- Software, today, can't live alone, I mean
- Personal proud
- Be happy helping others

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