form (m) Bar, Greek Street, Soho, London

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A relatively recent addition to the sprawling collection of bars and clubs (not to mention advertising agencies, post-prod houses and homeless people) that is Soho, form (it's written in lower case, apparently) is a privately owned bar at the Soho Square end of Greek Street (the site of the old Red Vodka Bar, for Soho veterans).

Built on 3 levels, the ground and basement floors are open to the public and can be relied upon to be crammed to the rafters on any ien Friday or Saturday night. Apart from the friendly staff there's little to differentiate it from any other media-friendly drinking establishment in the area, although the music is pretty good: an eclectic mix of house, soul, hip-hop and just about anything else (Young MC's Know How was a stand-out on my last visit). It's upstairs where the place really comes into its own, though. Strictly for members and their guests, it's a relaxed, open space with huge sofas built for elegant lounging, and a pleasant restaurant at the back. A good selection of drinks (although on busy nights the staff tend to balk at making up your favourite cocktail: my one complaint) and great service make it my absolute favourite bar in London. This researcher recently ushered in his 26th year upstairs and had an outstanding time. Special thanks to Brian, who organised the food, the guestlist, and generally made sure that everything ran smoothly. If you can get membership, do. If not, find someone that does and steal it.

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