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I was pondering a good guide entry today when it struck me as a good idea to write about the Saiyan race. Since nobody elese wrote about them, I figured it might be a good idea to fill you in.

The Saiyans are a violent race of humanoid beings that seek out populated planets, rid them of their inhabitants, and sell the planet for large quanties of money. These Saiyans would have been a problem if only they hadden't all been killed. It's a very long story and you wouldn't care to hear it. But there is one Saiyan living today; Pure blooded that is. His name is Vegeta, son of Vegeta, king of the planet Vegeta (how original, eh?). Most everyone knows that a Saiyan-Human hybrid is the most powerful being you can get. Take Son Gohan and Son Goten for example. Very strong, too strong actually. The Saiyans around today are actually very nice to people and wont fight you unless you try to fight them first. They'll win, so don't try it. I myself am a Saiyan...sort of. Actually I'm an android with some Saiyan in me, but that's another long story and I wont go into that just yet.

If you ever decide to invite a Saiyan into your home, be sure to prepare at least 3 month's worth of food for him/her. Man, do they eat. They eat like there's no tommarow they do. Don't know why, though. How they stay in shape is beyond me...all that eating...

So on this note I conclude my entry: If you are low on money/energy/health/etc. don't invite a Saiyan into your home. Ever. Watch your back.


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