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4 Conversations

Hi - I am Skinnylinny. I am a student, studying predominantly classics (Latin and Ancient Greek), modern languages (German and Italian) and electronics to GCSE level, as well as the standard subjects (English and English Literature, Mathematcs, and Triple Award Sciences). My hobbies are many and include music - I play the flute, sing in three choirs and am a self-taught pianist), calligraphy and railway modelling.

I'm modelling a fictitious 1950s Great Western Railway station called "Linnyville" on an 8' by 4' baseboard. That's something else that often confuses people - I'm 15 but I use imperial instead of metric where possible.

I love listening to a wide variety of music, including Classical (mainly choral) Jazz, Prog Rock (particularly Genesis), and others that I'm not sure how to classify, such as the Beach Boys and Flanders and Swann. Hold very tight please! ting ting!

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