Hyper-Evolved Superintelligent Ameboid Carrots

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Hyper-Evolved Superintelligent Ameboid Carrots are a rarity on Earth, mainly because of the fact that humans have been eating their ancestors most of the time, giving them very little chance for evolution. The Hyper-Evolved Superintelligent Ameboid Carrots arose after an unsuccessful experiment with the famous form of earth torture known as "school dinners". A daring scientist tried to create a 3500 course banquet from a carrot using a teaspoon, a carrot, an airfix kit, glue, and a lot of useless paraphenalia from his attic that whilst not really doing anything, made the experiment appear more scientific. The experiment was, unfortunately a faliure, and instead he created a massive race of Hyper-Evolved Superintelligent Ameboid Carrots, whilst himself turning into a Hyper-Evolved Superintelligent Ameboid. He banished the carrot variants and tried it wih other vegetables. This scientist failed at every turn but did end up Human again, whilst banishing a giant Brussel Sprout. The ameboids live on a far away planet and occasionally visit earth, though are promptly eaten by their creators.

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