Project: The Life and Art of Pablo Picasso
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
- Project Name: The Life and Art of Pablo Picasso
- Field Researcher: WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review)
- Department: Art and Art History
- Faculty: Arts
- Start Date: 24th September 2001
- End Date: 24th October 2001
- Assisting Sub-Editor: None yet, but looking forward to working with someone soon.
Project Description
Outline the life history of Pablo Picasso and highlight specific periods and pieces of work from his career.
Completed Entries:
Entries in Progress:
- Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
- The Blue Period (1901-1904)
- The Rose Period (1905-1906)
- Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and Cubism
Contributing Researchers
None so far.. but I welcome any who would be interested.
Further Information Required
I would like to have information regarding the major periods outlining Picasso's career (Blue, Rose, Negro, Analytic and Synthetic Cubism). Ultimately I would like to create one entry per period - one/two entries about a specific work(s) from each period (ie., Analytical Cubism - 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon'). Also need more information regarding Picasso's schooling and early student works.