Wirral Flooding

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Due to the recent goverment advise regarding low level land and water ingression, have decided to move house to new area.

This should not prove too difficult and I have estimated that I should have the entire job done by the time the human race has gone through the whole 'shoe' determiantion process of evolution and returned to ..."those thing's that cannot be mentioned".

Have started to enquire about using a determinal lifting mode, as offered by the Zequils, (for a rather cheap price of only 4 trills) but since I had no Idea what they were talking about, have decided afterall to use my hands and do the brick by brick technique (Think I read about that somewhere).

Also, having read about the fact that everything under the house belongs to me to a point in the middle of this planet, have also decided to take all the ground with me and the airspace above it.

Haven't figured out exactly how to do this but will keep you posted...........

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