
3 Conversations

Drugs get a pretty bad deal. They're not that bad really. Infact, in my own personal opinion, I think they're fantastic. My favorite of all drugs being Alcohol. Its tremendous. There has been many a sticky situation that has been solved by the consumption of copious amounts of this drug. For instance, party time with some people you detest (a reasonably common occurance) - the solution, get drunk, then you are convinced that you get on with everyone. Pure, simple pleasure. However I do have one little tip: drink lots. A minimum of 15 pints of larger or a bottle of spirits, a case of wine perhaps. Theres no sense in doing this by half - it just doesnt have the same satisfying effect. There are of course other drugs - nicotine, another of my favorites, can be comsumed at the same time as the alcohol and in a very plesant combination. Then theres caffine of course which everyone enjoys enthusiastically. You can, if you know the correct people, get so called "hard drugs" which are composed of loads of chemicals bunged together. I have never tried any of these - not because I am against them in any way but because im always too pissed to bother.

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