Khadin Bin Assab

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Iranian stonework

Khadin Bin Assab had been the Sage to the Court of the Kings of Malhadin Empire for over 200 years. Outwardly he appears to be aged 50. His age is due to a Tenfold spell cast on him by the previous Court Sage after his training was completed and his master prepared to step down.

During a war against the Western Lands, Khadin and his disgraced apprentise Omar were captured by the King of the Western Lands and kept prisoner in a cave in the King's captured territory. Their guard was a nobleman called Thomas Kareen who was himself a magician, an Elementalist, who opposed his King's treatment of the Sage's. Thomas Kareen orchestrated an escape for the 2 men and Khadin and Omar returned to the Malhadin Empire's capital. The Sultan was so angry with his Sages for allowing themselves to be captured that he threw them in a pit in his palace dungeon, with other prisoners of war awaiting execution.

Thomas Kareen led a party of soldiers to release men captured in battle and found Khadin and Omar imprisoned with the condemmed soldiers. He offered to take them with him back to his home where they would be free, Omar accepted on condition that he become Thomas's bodyguard as he wished to repay his debt, Khadin said he would return to Thomas's house one day but first he wished to visit his brother, whom he had not seen since the Sultan had cast his mother out of the empire. To show his gratitude Khadin passed on the Tenfold spell to Thomas as he knew he could trust the Western Nobleman more than his own King

Khadin traced his brother to the court of Astiro the Kind, a King of the Orient who lived in a palace that floated on the sea. Khadin spent 150 years with his brother and the court of the Kind King

Khadin left the Oriental court and travelled to the Western Land, to meet Thomas Kareen. When he arrived he found the house covered in a layer of Magic enhanced ice. He remained in the area and heard the legends of how the Squire had been captured by the Dark Allience and had taken his own life rather than have his knowledge used for evil, how the Squire's wife and Daughter had defended their home and the town against the evil invaders, how the daughter had cast a spell to freeze the house and the people inside and how the spell would break when the Dark Allience was driven from the land.

He found out that the daughter had woken from the spell and had joined the Magician's Guild in the town of Imardin, Khadin decided to follow and see if he could help free the land from it's evil invaders.

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