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Well, here I am again a few months later than the last time and still living in Ormskirk. It hasn't changed much, except they've knocked something down that I didn't know was there in the first place to replace it with, I might have guessed, a retail/restaurant development. There is absolutely nothing of interest to man or beast in this town. I have read some other entries in relation to my adopted hometown and they're lying - it's rubbish. It has a half decent video shop and that's it.

I shall attempt over the coming months to guide you through the town(surely 'town' is an ambitious claim for 'The Ormy')in terms of it's facilities.

Pubs: There are 3 kinds

1. Pubs you wouldn't take your hardest friends to. One in particular where you walk in and find the bar-staff are deliberating with a 'customer' on the subject of who could bite who's nose off first. Both female as well. This will be The Plough, conveniently located next to a gutter.

2. Pubs you don't notice. There is one, I think it's called the Greyhound, where I'd just sat with a couple of mates and had a pint. We left the pub to continue the crawl, as it was their first experience of the town, and I looked up and saw a sign for, you've guessed it, The Greyhound - I suggested we go there. Richard pointed out that we'd just left there, I sort of remembered what it was like inside.

3. Your bar type pub. There are 2, Arriba(apologies for the spelling if incorrect) and The Stiles. Arriba is for your young'uns, music is loud, beer is cheap - especially on Wednesday when it's £1 a bottle, and the 'ladies' are exposing more flesh than I would have thought was legal. They'd be stoned to death in Afghanistan. The lads are generally flopping all over the floor on their hands and knees looking, one can only imagine, for loose change. Stiles is an altogether more mature bar. That unfortunately is where the contrast ends. What you end up with is older people who should know better, but don't obviously, doing exactly what they were doing in Arriba 5-10 years ago or whatever the equivalent was then.

Well I must be off now, take care, I'll be back soon


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