A Conversation for Paper Cuts
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Somthing I missed?
-- DoctorM --
spimcoot Posted Mar 1, 2002
Oh pooh Ottox! Not better company, just different (is that tactful or does it insult everybody at once?). After the party shazz came back to me about featuring my cartoons in The Post (I just mistyped Pist) and I got carried along on the spimcoot train (which is actually more of a hand cart). I see you about the place but am obviously far too rude to say anything. My loss.
DoctorMO: what you missed was a pivotal episode from 'spimcoot: the early days' which you can piece together from posts herein.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Mar 1, 2002
hehe, that explains everyhting!
-- DoctorMO --
Munchkin Posted Mar 1, 2002
"Spimcoot: The Early Years" is that on cable, only I've not noticed it on the Beeb, just repeats of "The Adventures of Spimcoot" on a Saturday morning?
A passing, and well bored, Munchkin
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Hava a cup of tea, and we'll talk some more?
-- DoctorMO --
Munchkin Posted Mar 1, 2002
Hmm, perhaps later, for now it is hometime and I must POOT.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Mar 1, 2002
hmm my post went missing. never mind. Anything going on this weekend?
-- DoctorMO --
Munchkin Posted Mar 2, 2002
Well, there is Rugby, Formula One, no doubt some football game or other, I have an urgent apointment with a seller of socks and no doubt a few pints will be consumed
Oh, and the same to you Post type person (well I'm never quite sure which one you are )
A passing, and well tipsy, Munchkin
Munchkin Posted Mar 2, 2002
Well exactly. I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can induce all the effects of drunkeness. My, that Oscar Wilde was clever.
Post Team Posted Mar 2, 2002
It dates back to around September '99 and was a weird mixture of Wilde quotations interspersed with schoolboy howlers, so I think you could say it has eyes in its a**e and is looking both ways!
Munchkin Posted Mar 2, 2002
Could be painful
I am impressed to see that you are on as both yourself and the Post at the same time, does that not lead to confusion and cross polination? I can barely keep up with myself.
Post Team Posted Mar 2, 2002
The Post is always set to alabast**d as default whereas my own page is forever loyal to classic goo
It is a small price to pay, but worth it and especially useful on a Wednesday night when I have about 6 windows open (some contributors contact me via my homepage rather than the PO, so I have to keep an eye on both... and sometimes I need to seek out appropriate blobs, update archives... us girls love multi-tasking!)
Munchkin Posted Mar 2, 2002
I believe I have seen that advert.
Me bloke.
Me have stick.
Me hit box with stick.
Always worked for me.
Post Team Posted Mar 2, 2002
Well, something strange just happened! I was subbing (or attempting to sub) an entry which appeared on my page and then noticed that it was billed as already subbed by the h2g2 editors! One less job to do - but I wish I'd noticed before I saved it to file and worked on it!
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 42: spimcoot (Mar 1, 2002)
- 43: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 44: Munchkin (Mar 1, 2002)
- 45: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 46: Munchkin (Mar 1, 2002)
- 47: Post Team (Mar 1, 2002)
- 48: Munchkin (Mar 1, 2002)
- 49: Post Team (Mar 1, 2002)
- 50: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 51: Munchkin (Mar 2, 2002)
- 52: Post Team (Mar 2, 2002)
- 53: Munchkin (Mar 2, 2002)
- 54: Post Team (Mar 2, 2002)
- 55: Munchkin (Mar 2, 2002)
- 56: Post Team (Mar 2, 2002)
- 57: Munchkin (Mar 2, 2002)
- 58: Post Team (Mar 2, 2002)
- 59: Munchkin (Mar 2, 2002)
- 60: Post Team (Mar 2, 2002)
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