Terry Pratchett

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For all those who have been living under a rock for the past 20 or so years:
The Discworld is a flat world carried on the back of four elephants, who are in turn carried on the back of Great A'Tuin the Space Turtle (debate rages as to the sex of Great A'Tuin). It is the subject of Terry Pratchett's phenomally successful Discworld (surprise surpise) series, of which there are currently 26 books with the 27th - "The Last Hero" - due to be released next year. There are also a large variety of other Terry Pratchett items, both related and unrelated to Discworld inculding figurines by Clarecraft, badges, jigsaws, tourist guides and cross stitch designs.
Terry Pratchett has also written various other books including:
<star> the Johnny Maxwell trilogy - "Only You Can Save Mankind", "Johnny and the Dead" and "Johnny and the Bomb"
<star> the Bromeliad - "Truckers", "Diggers" and "Wings"
<star> Strata
<star> The Dark Side of the Sun
<star> The Unadulterated Cat
<star> Good Omens (with Neil Gaiman)
<star> The Carpet People

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