The Zatoichi Sword Cane (ChenChao-Po Swords)

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The Zatoichi sword cane is based on the sword-cane of Zatoichi, the blind swordmsan featured in several Japanese films. ChenChao-Po, a well-known Chinese sword company, offers a reproduction of this weapon.

The sword itself is a long, single edged straight bladed sword. The blade is a style called "hira zukuri," which is uncommon in Japan, though before the curved blades normally seen on katanas now were in use, it was more common.

The blade of the sword is carbon steel, not stainless, which is a good thing, as far as quality goes. The blade is decent quality metal, and better than many you may find for a similar price. However, it is not a high-quality forging. It has a fake temper line, and is mass-produced.

While the handgrip is long and intended for two hands, the tang of the sword does not run the full length of the handgrip. Actually hitting things with the sword causes the seam of the wooden handgrip to start to split, though not immediately. The wood doesn't split apart in a violent instant upon impact; the seam becomes visible, and if it's used frequently, it may well come apart.

The smooth black wood used for the wooden sheath and the handle is very soft and light, and easily damaged, even aside from the seam. A casual bang against something hard is likely to dent or scar the wood.

Overall, this sword is a good show or costume piece, and is decently functional, but is not a high-quality forging. The price for it tends to be quite fair, ranging from $60-$100 USD at the time of this writing. It is superior in blade quality, if not handgrip quality, to most katanas available for a similar price, most of those being made of stainless steel, and many of them including a plastic tsuba. (Handguard.) The sword is also heavier in the hands than the average katana, which may or may not suit you.

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