Kilburn Beer Gardens
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The Old Bell on Kilburn High Road has saved us from the perils of pretentious Hampstead. They have built a beer garden that rivals the hanging gardens of Babylon for no other reason than beer was never mentioned in the hanging gardens. Also there are no plants in The Old Bells beer garden. Dont let this put you off though.
Built in what appear to be the shambled remains of an old snug bar it has the feel of a monument gone to ruin. Crumbling walls frame rebirth of decking and gravel. A phoinex in mid blume. This creates a calm tranquility that is needed to truly appreciate a good beer and a laugh.
The menu is bloody good too. Meatballs and pasta are perfect.
A must see for all Hitch Hikers passing through this well traveled area.
There are two so called beer gardens at the northen end of the high road. Unfortunatly these are simply a an excuse to drink on a dirty, busy, noisey main road.
The Brondes Age. With a range of heavy wooden seats out side can be pleasant if you like to smell the local chippy mixed with traffic fumes.
Powers Bar. This bar is always better seen from the inside looking out. Basicly the windows and so smogged up you cant see out into the stream of traffic.
As we are dragged kicking and screaming towards the continental cafe society the sprouting of these on street cold and flu traps is growing. In this part of the country a beer garden can only be used for three months of the year. A word to the wise (as well as the casually insane). Out side of summer time aviod them like the plague.