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At the turn of the millennium an entry about these things is probably necessary.

These not at all handy things were very popular in the first and second millennium A.D. but are now getting a curiosity and a collectors item.

These things, usually made out of paper or papyrus, were the most important form of keeping and transferring information. In the upcoming third millennium A.D. this source of information is replaced and shall be replaced by mind-boggling things like internet and other unimaginable stuff.

One of the most important books ever published must have been the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by a frood called Douglas Adams. This book finally made us, ape-descended Earthlings, realise that we are not the only inhabited planet in the universe. Off course few scientist published stuff that claimed exactly the same thing but who reads this stuff anyway! The book by Douglas Adams also made us realise that we are actually one of the most stupid habitants of the universe, especially compared to for example the super-intelligent shades of the colour blue. It also told us that the reason why the Earth is only visited by spoiled little brats who want to show of their know flying saucer is that our planet is incredibly boring. As if we didn’t know!

Now back to the subject: those papery things people used to stuff their houses with to make them look intelligent or at least intelligible, were also used to keep the fire going in the days that the heating broke down and to throw them at other peoples face if they happened to be around if somebody felt like throwing a book at them.

The most important reason these books were used was actually to annoy students all over the Earth. They were forced to buy them for lots of money and then to study them by heart for no particular reason and forget everything they learned a few days later. Students enforced with that task have been complaining about it for years but continuing to pay for their studies all along. Lazier students have had the idea to replace these ritual by playing tapes with the content of the books while their were sleeping but none of them ever graduated that way so they gave up that too.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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