Fishing for religion.

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Lately Ive been asking some questions so far no one has come back to me with answers.

So I just had to try and work it out for myself. I'm not sure I've found the answer, Ive certainly found an answer.

What, where,who is the bigG, the creator, the supreme being?

That's the question. Lots of people told me who answers and all of those answers led to more questions, which elliceted more answers and still more questions. Some peolpe might have got upset or bored with this but not me!

I loved it! Sunday school was like football, there was something new and interesting every week. (Recently in terms of the age of the Earth in the life times of mice generations back, but in bog standard solar years about 28). For reasons too dull and complicated to go into I attended three different churches, had a preacher for a deputy head teacher and a choir master for a head teacher. I had no end of people telling me all sorts of things about the bigG.

Not like my friend Lee his dad said that Jehova didnt want people telling Lee about Him so he couldnt come to Boys brigade and had to sit outside at assemblies.

A few years later one of the Methodist preachers at my mission told me that God didnt want me to go to Pentecostal church. God didnt like the way they worshipped there. Well from what I saw and felt God DID. I felt His spirit lifting me up when I was there. Infact His spirit wasnt as evident as it was at the Mission. I had been told that the feeling I got the feeling I could see the other people having that that, was God's spirit. How could the man who I trusted to tell me about God have it so wrong.

The same thing that made rain fall, grass grow and birds sing in the morning made me want to sing when at the mission I only wanted to mumble along to avoid the beedy eye of other people. I liked being at both they both had great aspects, singing, friendly people, activities out in Gods creation. They both had rubbish bits mumbling along to dull songs in drafty hall or listening to some shouty block shouting louder and faster about God till you werent sure what he was shouting or a woman shouting and like the man did unless she cried either way by the end it was all incomprehensible. Still all in all fun and interesting.

So I asked why I shoudnt go and he said "because" Im paraphrasing but that was essentially it.

Gradually I got to hear that answer more and more. Each time I grew more and more tired of it. At around this time I picked up this book in the library.

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