Ghosts Uncovered: Part 3

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By the time you read this final instalment of this modest trilogy (assuming, of course, you've read parts 1 & 2!), you'll realise that ghosts are high up on my list of interests, but appear nowhere on my list of beliefs. To redress the balance somewhat, this final piece concentrates on examples of ghostly sightings or occurences. The trouble is, oh faithful reader, some are genuine (insofar as they are based on reports, facts, or word-of-mouth) while others are steaming piles of dodo dudu!

Can you spot the difference? Read on...


Tom loses his father, and his old Grandfather clock stops within minutes of the time of death. The clock will not start again, even after clocksmiths have checked it and said there was nothing wrong with it. Three years later, Tom and his wife have a baby, and within minutes of the birth, the "faulty" Grandfather clock starts up again. Tom is overjoyed, but is unable to determine whether the clock is haunted or whether it was one of those fantastical coincidences.


Reports stream into a local police station after numerous sightings occur of an old man walking his dog down the middle of the road. The sightings occur at a specific time and at approximately the same place. A local reporter digs deeper into the sightings, and after ploughing through newspaper archives, discovers an elderly man was killed by a car while walking his dog some fifteen years before. The case was closed.


An hysterical woman runs from a hotel room shouting and screaming. After being calmed, she insists there was someone in her room trying to ignite the bed linen and burn her alive. She is politely asked to leave the hotel. She was not required to pay the bill for Room 280. Two weeks later, the hotel is consumed and destroyed by an inferno. Fire chiefs can neither prove whether it was arson or defective wiring, though they were convinced that the fire started in Room 280.


Tony has a dream, wherein he is walking along an unknown street. His attention is caught by a figure up above in a high-rise flat waving vigorously at him. Tony wakes up into a life-threatening coma and is rushed into hospital. Meanwhile, his friend, John, visits Tony in hospital, and tries to make sense of his own dream that he had the night previous. In John's dream, he was looking through a skyscraper window. He saw his friend, Tony, walking in the street below. He waved vigorously at Tony, and though Tony seemed to notice, he didn't move. A car then came and knocked Tony over. John awoke in a sweat, not a coma.

This has been the Ghosts Uncovered series. Thank you for listening.


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