Freespace Space Flight Sims

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The Freespace Series of Space Sim games are some of the finest computer games available for the PC. The mix of fast paced action and strategy combined with a great plot make these games stand out of the crowd. Commanding a tiny bomber squadron against a huge starship is incredibly exciting especially as the capital ships have laser beams which, if not avoided, can slice your puny ship in half.
The First game, 'Conflict Freespace' was released in 1998 and begins with you as a Terran pilot caught up in a war with a race called the Vasudans. Later in the game a race called Shivans appear and whip yours and the Vasudans asses. After getting thoroughly trounced you team up and strike back, eventually winning the war but at great cost.
'Freespace 2' is set 30 years after the original and covers the return of the Shivans. The Shivans in this game have less of a technological advantage as Terran and Vasudan technology has advanced greatly in the peace time. This game hasn't quite got the same definite ending of the first one as the trapping of Shivan forces is said to be temporary. This Implies (Hopefully) that there will be a third game in this amazing series.
These games are not without flaws though, wingman AI can be ropey occaisionally and the game freezes on lower spec machines when the battles get too intense. The mission editor FRED 2 packaged with the game take quite a lot of gettin used to with it's SEXP's (Symbolic EXPressions) but still you get a good feeling when your mission runs perfectly.
To finish my ramble, if you liked the X-Wing games you'll no doubt love these two. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Zog out.

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