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A small country in the Middle East where everybody seems to be thinking that everybody else is driving on the wrong side of the road.
The main questions (in Israel) about Israel concern who is an Israely, what is the Israely colture (if there is one), is there such a thing as an Israely without a cellphone (no), and which parts of Israel are actually parts of Israel.
Religion (Judaism) is a problems since it keeps making up new rules for itself, insisting that everyone else accepts them, and then when they don't goes on and says that they hate her.
Other religions in Israel (AKA "The Holy Land") are Christianity (just a few) and Islam (pretty much- Arabs etc.).

Israel is an important news supplier, mainly because of its struggles with itself and with its neighbours-the Arabs, towards which the Israely's feelings range between guilt on the left-wing side (we took their land etc.) and hatred on the right-wing side (they try to kill us etc.).
Apart from all the muslim terrorists, the Israely's main enemy seems to be themselves.the right-wings don't like the left-wings, which aren't too fond of them too; since people came to Israel from practically everywhere on this planet, the different groups don't think much of eachother; the Palestinians are often hated or scorned, since they want their own country; the Arabs get s**t because they're not considered real Israelies (they're not jews); the orthodox jews hate the secuulars, which try to be ok but really hate the whole bunch of them (and there are also reforms somewhere in the middle. The orthodox really hate them too); and everyone hates the politicians.

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