Perseids Project Results - 2001
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002

We're hoping for clear skies during the second annual h2g2 Perseids meteor shower project. Last year we had a total of nine Researchers who spent a combined 15 hours watching the skies.
What will this year bring?
Reports for August 12/13
We'll use this space to print anecdotal information and the names of those who were able to spot any meteors on the night of August 12/13.
Data for August 12/13
This chart shows the names of Researchers, their total observed meteors and their total time spent observing the shower for the night of August 12/13.
Researcher | Total Meteors | Total Hours Observed | Meteors per hour |
Weather-impaired Researchers
This chart will list the names of those unfortunate souls who suffered with cloudy conditions:
Researcher | Missed observing |
Thanks for the effort everyone!
Contributing Researchers
- Shazz - Alphen aan den Rijn,The Netherlands
- Yeliab Salohcin - Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England
- Jimi X - Middletown, Pennsylvania, USA
- Chris - Cambridge, England
- Daubers - Location Unknown
- Metal Chicken - Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, UK
- Peta - Wimbledon, SW London, England1
- Austin Morris - Esher, Surrey, UK
- Ardzil - Glasgow, Scotland
- Tacsatduck - Dobbs Ferry, New York