Jurassic Marital Counseling

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Disclaimer: These are simply my thoughts, and very tongue in cheek.

Recently, this researcher was able by some miracle to get out to the movies and see Jurassic Park III. While watching the movie many odd occurances tickled my unusual funny bone. The main thing that caught my attention, though, was the dysfunctional couple that the movie presents to the viewer.

Throughout the course of the movie you see the couple weather many rough times, and come through triumphantly, in love, and functional again. This gave me a little idea, that might sound sick and twisted to some, but my sense of humor being of the sick and twisted sort, I really cannot help it.

My idea was for a camp that dysfunctional couple and families could go to where they could go to learn to get along, or quite literally die trying. Even in the absence of dinosaurs this plan could still work with lions, tigers, or bears (oh my!). The main idea being to get the people into a position that would truly get them to rely on eachother.

This method may be thought cruel, as certainly more people would die trying that would escape, but one must consider the evolutionary advantages of such a plan. Anyone that was insane enough to even think of going would be no big loss if they were gone, and those that actually made it through would be strong, and cunning, and therefore beneficial to the gene pool.

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