The Origins Of The Word Geek

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The Origins Of The Word Geek

A geek is a person who gets great pleasure from intellectual pursuits that would bore the socks of most normal people. The term geek is unknown, but the author strongly suspects that it may have originated as a term used to describe engineers who were in the habit of carrying and quoting from an engineering bible written by the original Giecks, German authors K + R. Gieck, which is a small green book full of little known technical formulas. ISBN 3 920379 20 9. Flicking through the book to page I 19 I can imbue you with the useful knowledge that the Moment of inertia of a cuboid is (abh / 12)(b^2 + h^2), crucial information in fact if you are trying to work out how big the splash will be when a sugar cube is dropped from the height of half a meter into a cup of boiling tea or when you are trying to calculate the forces on a Borg ship as it spins through 180 degrees.

How to spot a geek, not to be confused with a NERD or an ANORAK

If you are approached by a man ( usually ) wearing spectacles, who uses words and sentences that are two long for you to comprehend you are probably talking to a geek. Also beware of unfashionable clothing. If you find yourself fainting due to an unexplained odour of a personal nature then you are probably talking to a computer geek. If the man is American has a baseball cap with a helicopter on it and also has a pocket protector then you are talking to a Nerd. Anoraks ( invented by CBBC ) on the other hand are just very boring people who enjoy cataloguing train or bus numbers.

Geeks need big hugs

Geeks are often alienated by society, which is most unfair as geeks do the jobs and design the goods, the medicines which modern society relies upon so heavily. Without geeks just stop and think what your would have been like and how boring it would be. There would be no telly, sports coverage, fast cars, foreign holidays, telly remote controls, news papers, or the internet. Geeks might where unfashionable clothes, but as any self respecting geek will tell you they have never sunk as low as to wear deely boopers ( feeler fools ). Sometimes geeks are fashionable, this generally happens when the fashion cycle catches up with the geeks outdated wardrobe!

Warning do not alienate geeks as geek psychosis may results.

It is always unwise to ignore some one who has the potential to manufacture a biological bomb in their shed or hack into to your computer and steal your credit card information.

I myself am a geek, but recently I learned to comb my hair, and I have even started wearing contact lenses. I have also been teaching myself Thicko, which means I have to read a copy of big hooters every day. I am improving my Thicko every day, I am even managing to slip in the odd unecessay expletive in to my sentences when out in public. Next week my mentor and I ( Dave from the pub ) are going to a football match to watch some men kick a ball into a net. The last time I had an experience like was that was when I went to see Holgar and his amazing seals at the circus. The only difference I can tell is that Holgar's seals applauded and cheered themselves on scoring a goal. Also the audience threw fish not toilet rolls into the ring.


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