Dave's Korean Experience

1 Conversation

Hi all. My name is David Boyle. I've been a researcher here at H2G2 (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Earth Edition) for a number of years, and have made use of the space granted to me for various essays, rants, conversations, and so forth over the years.

Recently, I arrived in Korea to teach English to Korean kids. I have decided that rather than set up a traditional 'weblog' on more conventional software, I would chronicle my exploits and observations here, where they might someday serve as a resource for an in-depth entry for use by Guide readers travelling in Korea.

Those of you non-users (friends and relatives of mine, most likely) who find your way here but are unfamiliar with the H2G2 site in general, you will see a number of threads listed at the bottom of this page. I will be writing my entries as a series of these threads, which you should be able to peruse simply by clicking on them. If you are a registered H2G2 user and want to reply to something posted here, I welcome it, but please do so on my main page rather than on this one... I'd prefer to keep this page tidy and easily accessible. Thanks.

Thanks for visiting! I'll do my best not to slack off and to try to keep this log current.

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